Author: Darragh

  • Access 2003 – Importing Queries results in bad query aliasing.

    This is a quick little tip. I came across a minor annoyance the other day when I was importing Access saved queries from another database and using link tables. If you import your queries before you link your tables, then try run the queries with no tables link – Access will complain that it can’t…

  • Ms Access – The Upgrade

    I’d never thought I’d ever say something so geeky but I must comment that I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited about downloading a product as I am right now. And right now I’m downloading Ms Access 2007. I’m taking advantage of the offer, and buying the new version of Office 2007 Ultimate…

  • Ms Access – Percentage Field Formatting

    A quick tip to fix what shouldn’t be a problem! Occasionally, Access can act rather confusingly. I ran into a typical example early this morning, when I was trying to get Access to allow entry of percentages correctly. I’ve done this about one thousand times before and probably solved this problem one thousand times as…

  • Useful Access Links

    In the absence of any real content, I’ve decided to post a few Access and VBA related links here. Some are rather general, some are rather specific. Regardless, they’ve been floating around in a text file called ‘useful stuff to look at’ on my computer for a while. So why not share the love?…

  • Running SQL from Visual Basic Code – Apostrophe problems!

    I recently encountered a problem that I’ve actually encountered millions of times before – trying to run an SQL string from VBA code which makes use of double apostrophe’s (“”). Naturally, VBA uses these to break from a string literal, but pure Jet-SQL uses them for functions like Format() and Nz(). So if you do…

  • Ms Access Tips

    Hello valued reader! Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of doing quite a bit of work in Ms Access, and also in Visual Basic for Applications. On countless occasions I’ve benefited from the work of countless others who toil in this Rapid Application Development suite when I’ve encountered a hitch. I’ve always wanted to…