Nominated for a 2020 Vizzie Award

I choose a poor week to go on holidays and my time off coincided with the annual Tableau conference which this year was held virtually. I didn’t bring any technology with me during my holiday and thus found it difficult to tune in to what looked like a great series of talks and presentations.

On my way home, I logged into Twitter to see that a local Tableau legend from my home town in Brisbane (Frederic Fery) had tagged me in a picture that showed that I’d unexpectedly been nominated for a Vizzie award in the category of “Data Do-Gooder” (Frederic also, quite deservedly, was nominated in the same category!)

This was quite an unexpected honour and I’d like to thank those who put my name down in this category! Big congratulations to the deserved winner though, Brian Moore, who started the #TheSDGVizProject initiative earlier this year. You can read an interview with Brian here where he talks all about this project.