Category: Industry news
IIE release next iteration of Open Doors data
It’s International Education Week in the United States and that has prompted the Institute of International Education (“IIE”), America’s premier professional association for international education research, to release the next iteration of the Open Doors report. For those in the know, the Open Doors report is a vital tool for measuring the flow of students…
Australian international education market performs well in ICEF agent barometer
The ever comprehensive ICEF Monitor has published some early results from their eight annual agent barometer survey (co published with iGraduate). Given the lifting on the ban on foreign agents in US institutions, it is perhaps not unexpected that agents would be referring more students to US institutions – the barometer reports that 80% of…
Value and costs in International Higher Education: In the wake of the G8
The Group of Eight (“G8”), known to those in Australia as a group of leading research institutions, has published a neat summary document of research into the motivations of international students to study overseas, with a particular focus on Australia. It’s not a study in itself, instead gathers together data and research from bodies such…
International education: A quick skim through Building Australia’s Comparative Advantage.
While those working in the industry might feel it’s taken for granted given that economic headlines tend to focus on mining and agriculture, Australia’s international education export market is continuing to boom, remaining competitive globally, and often the envy of many other developed nations around the globe. And yesterday, Catherine Livingstone, the President of the…